Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Holy Teeth

I´ll bet you didn´t know that you could use a tooth brushing clinic as an opportunity to teach children that God loves them and that their life means something to Him.

That´s the FH way, use every single thing you do to point the community to Christ. The Team paticipated in a dental health clinic with the FH staff yesterday. The leaders started the presentation with the topic of life is sacred because God made it and therefore we should care for our bodies so we can achieve the potential He created us for.

The FH teachers are masters at making learning fun. We ate and ate again of course. Did some more home visits and dug trenches for a sewer line for the family training center we started in March. Mucho trabajar!

Dinner was great, and we stopped for Ice Cream about 10PM.

This is our last day in Sucre. It´s going to be hard to say goodbye to the community.

The Team will be passing out Bibles with the Gideons today at the local public school. Try that in the USA.

Please pray that God uses the Bibles we pass out today to bring families to Him.

More home visits and a farewell dinner will follow. Oh yeah, we are also going to be clobbered by the school teachers in a soccer game. It´s not fair, but it sure is fun.

La Pâz and some shopping tomorrow and then a long flight home. Caio

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hello to all of you from Bolivia

I am writing tonight to tell you all about the amazing things that our Precious Lord is doing here. I am completely amazed and blown away by how He works all that He does through weak, His church. He has been so faithful not just here but in the months coming up to this time. I had felt so completely inadequate to even come on this trip but the Lord has been showing me how He is the one who will do the work not me. And today I was able to meet the child that I sponsor. His name is Armando. I can´t even begin to express to you all in words the feelings that I experienced as I stood there with Armando and his humble family. His mother,sister (21 years old)and two younger siblings. Seven children in this family and his mother so thankful that we had come. The father was not present. He works 12-13 hours days, 6 days a week and then today he was out drinking. Very sad. They asked that we would pray that their father would become a Christian. They did not ask for things but for the salvation of their father. The tangible poverty, the yard that we walked into was desolate of any life. A bare dusty yard with dogs, and trash. They humbly offered us a place to sit outside. As we spoke with them through an interpreter, Derek, an FFH worker and missionary from the states-(what an amazing young man). We learned (I learned) more about this family. There extreme struggles with poverty, despair, alcholism....I can´t even begin to explain the hoplessness that is here and yet here comes our Jesus with the hand of hope that this family needs. The extension of His loving hands through us,me! I think I don´t derserve to be here and yet the Lord has granted me this opportunity, has granted us this opportunity to stand before these precious people and show them the very thing that He has shown me. He now in this dark place is causing His light to shine out of the darkness and His name is glorified. I am amazed that there is not place that is too dark for the hands and eyes of our Lord to reach and He chooses to do it through me, through us, through MCC, through us all. I feel I am not doing enough. I cried so much and yet they did too. I am so thankful to be here and this is only the second day of being here in Horna Casa. Thank you all for your support and your prayers and please know that the Lord is answering them. He is doing them in His way, not ours but His and it is beautiful to see His word and His work come together in a tangible way. Also my brother Mike is notibly being changed as well. Today I asked him, "So what do you think so far? Do you think you would want to be a Christian now?" His answer was that "Yes" He was thinking about it. I am in awe and don´t even know how to feel or think because it is too much now. I guess that´s all. I'm certain I am rambling. So sorry for that. Thank you for praying. With much love an prayers for you all. In our Precious Jesus Christo! Patty :o)

Kids, Kids, Food, Kids

Greetings from day 2!!!

Yesterday was busy. From about 2pm-10:30pm it was nonstop. This day was really our first taste of Horno Ckasa and the FH staff that works there. Until I spent time with them I thought I worked a lot of hours. The life of an FH staff member here is fact to call it busy doesn´t seem busy enough. What we saw yesterday, though, was a group of people that bring dedication to a new level. Whether herding kids, cooking, putting on a sex education class for adolescants, they not only have unending energy, but their love for the kids they serve would be visible to a blind guy.

It´s clear where they recieve their strength and their love. We had to ask ourselves the same. Where do we draw our strength? Today we play the kids in soccer tournament, so we´`ll definitely need it from the Lord.

Other activities for Sunday include assisting with a marriage retreat for couples in the community, and our favorite part, more time with the kids.

Thank you for your prayers. Today pray that the Lord would strengthen the marriages of those at the retreat and that he would be glorified in all things that happen here.

More to Follow! We love you guys!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beach or Bolivia......Beach or Bolivia......Beach or Bolivia...

If you are following our July 2010 Bolivia trip here you have probably been wondering why there have been no posts.

Well, this trip has required lots of decision making, and that´s kept us busy. One of the most trying decisions has been whether to take flip flops or tennies to South Beach in Miami.

What, no one told you that was our first stop on the trip?

It was one of our first stops, American Airlines was nice enough to arrange it for us. You see we missed our Miami to La Paz connection Wednesday night because our Chicago to Miami flight was late.

There were no seats available Thursday, so we decided to soak up the Florida sun instead of going to Bolivia.

The Team finally made it to Bolivia last night. We just had a great lunch, have I mentioned they feed you like crazy here.

We are heading to Shekinah church in few minutes where Frank will speak to the community about the value of life and the students will perform some dramas about purity.

There will be more news to follow, thanks to all of those supporting us with prayers and financially for the great day at the beach. We appreciate it very much!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I tried but.................

I tried to post this last trip blog from Bolivia, but I had a little @ problem. You see, the @ key on the computer in our hotel in La Paz didn't work.

Since I don't know a work around for typing my password without the @ key I just sat there looking at the screen feeling kind of helpless. Sort of like many of the residents of Horno Ckasa B. Just there, kind of helpless, not really knowing how to tap into the world around them.

The @ key seems so insignificant. In fact, how much did we even think about the @ key before the internet? It was hardly ever used. But not today, any respectable websurfer wouldn't be caught dead without their @ key.

All those years the @ key just sat there, waiting for it's day to open a whole knew world of information to us.

Seems alot like God in HCB. To some He seems pretty insignificant, not of much use. The problems are much bigger than mere religion can fix.

And so...He sits, waiting for the families of the community to realize He opens a whole new world of richness to them.

Just like I can't connect to the web without that pesky @ key, none of us can connect to the real purpose we were made for without Him.

He is gentle and patient, and so He waits, prompting, drawing and calling. He has called workers to make Him known in Bolivia. MCC is part of that team of workers. It is a priviledge to partner with Him in restoring HCB and the world to relationship with Him.

He is not insignificant, and neither is the work He has called us to do. It was a blessing to see Him at work this week in Bolivia.

July just can't come soon enough!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

If you can read this, thank a teacher....

We´ve seen that slogan on lots of bumpers in the U.S. And it´s a true statement, although you probably ought to thank Mom, Dad ,Gramps, Aunt Sue and a number of other people too.

If you live in Horno Ckasa B, you should thank Ovidio, Ellie, Davide, Jhonny and most of the other FH staff.

Your parents probably won´t have much to do with you learning it, or much enthusiasm either. Reading is just not that important to most of the residents of HCB.

We heard today from Ovidio that if you don´t learn to read you probably won´t get a good job and be able to take care of your family. You´ll miss lots of life´s richeness...and most importantly it will more difficult to live out God´s plan for your life.

The MCC Team spent the day in reading classes with the FH Technicos. Wow... they are teachers on steroids.

I say that because they are doing more than teaching students to read..... or do math.... or learn grammar. It´s a different process. I´ve been trying to find a name to describe this process since my first trip here. Something about it captivates your mind and spirit when you see it.

Today, I figured out what the process is. It´s discipleship. What FH does with children and families is true discipleship, like Jesus did it.

Living with andwalking through life with people. Taking the time necessary to pour your own life in to them. It´s patiently teaching Biblical life principles in practical ways, and then spending enough time with your students to show them how to apply it.

If MCC could learn to disciple like they do it here, the East Mountains would be a different place. God would be made much of as we were all better transformed.

That may be the most important local application for us of this relationship with HCB, to learn from them how to make Him look good by reconciling the mind, bodies and souls of those He puts in our path.

The only thing that could make it better would be learning to make chicken fried steak like they do, it was awesome tonight! Muy delicisoso!!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Fixing Families

The Team got a little dirty today. We started digging footings for the new Family Strengthening Center.

FH will use this facility for tutoring, teaching families the importance of putting God first in all they do and helping husbands and wives overcome the tyranny of a world broken by sin.

The best part of the construction was when Colton chased the girls around with a slug someone dug up.

This afternoon we accompanied the Technicos on the home visits with families enrolled in the FH program. It was amazing.

The Technicos are very skilled at talking to people in the most difficult materially poor conditions about God´s plan for them. The Technicos visit each family at least three times per year to personally check in to see where FH might help. These three visits are in additon to all the other programs and trainings FH provides for them.

At each visit we saw the whole gospel presented. God´s desire to restore the richness and dignity we lost in the fall, and the restoration that can only come through the blood of Christ, shed for the sins of the whole world.

The conversations were so practical, so Biblical and so well done. It inspires us to find ways to address the spiritual and physical poverty in our own community in more effective ways.

Even in the midst of the despair and pain in these neighborhoods we met people who serve God whole heartedly and are therefore not really poor at all. Life is hard for them, they need much...but the work of God in them is obvious.

At times in the west where we have so much we miss our own need for that whole hearted devotion to the One Who gave His life for us.

As Victor Cortez, FH´s Guatemala country director said, some people are so poor, all they have is money.

May God fulfill His desire for richness in Horno Ckasa B, Cedar Crest and the whole world.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day two and we ate too much....

It was a great day in Horno Ckasa B, had a celebration with some families in the neighborhood.

Thanks Elisa, the puzzle crafts were a huge hit with the children, they ran around showing them off all afternoon.

And Barb, the hot pad object lesson was perfect. The women left with hot pads reminding them that they are to care for and protect their families. They loved them!

Some of us from MCC taught family strengthening sessions, it was awesome to see God allow us to make those kind of connections with the community.

After the celebration the team had the most amazing ice cream at the park, and climbed a big tower.

Dinner was muy bueno, huge plates of Bolivian nachos, lasagna, BBQ pork and fried we could make that in New Mexico.

Tomorrow we work some construction and then visit community homes with the FH Technicos, they are the staff who work directly with families. There are currently four technicos, each visiting 130 families or so. They do eight visits a day, about an hour per visit. In each visit they help the families learn that God is the solution to their problems caused by poverty .

Pray God uses us for His good Name.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sucre Finally!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for our trip today, well actually yesterday and today.

You don´t get to Sucre in one day....

After lots of weather delays, some documentation problems that required a 10 pm cab ride to the Miami Airport´s closest CVS drugstore for Visa photos ...... and engine trouble that meant we couldn´t land in La Paz, we finally dive bombed onto the Sucre airport runway about 1 pm Saturday.

We spent the afternoon with the FH staff, learning about some of their newest strategies for strengthing HCB´s families. The core principle is that God created us to live richly, and we do that when we pattern our lives after His ways.

We could use a little of that stuff in Los Estdos Unidos as well

We also spent the afternoon eating some of the most awesome food prepared by Nut Del, the micro enterprise catering business started by 8 high school girls. It was muy ricco. You eat practically non-stop when visiting FH Bolivia.

Tomorrow the Team works with a local church, Shekina, (their pastor is named Elvis, cool huh?) and FH on a community family ministry day. Chris, Von and Tom will be teaching men how to build God´s character in their families. Audelia will be teaching the women and the rest of us will be working with the children.

Pray God´s blessing and His Kingdom come to Sucre. Many thanks for your prayers.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The MCC Bolivia Team leaves on Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi everybody:

Please pray for our team members as they depart for Bolivia and throughout the whole week.

For those who don't know, our travelers are:

Marvin Procter
Chris Willadsen
Tom Young
Ron Romero
Stephanie Romero
Sammi Gutierrez
Taylor Morgan
Audelia Trujillo
Rob Powell
Colton Powell
Von Trullinger